Monday, August 17, 2009

Aging and the Blood Vessels: Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, Arizona

Japanese Acupuncture, Arizona, 日本鍼灸: 480-246-0624

Japanese Acupuncture, LLC (480) 246-0624:

600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Aging and the Blood Vessels
As we age, the artery and the capillary walls thicken and become stiffer, less flexible. The change makes the blood pressure higher and taxes the heart. Furthermore, the volumes of red blood and white blood cells are reduced, and we become more prone to fatigue and infection. Some common problems are: angina, arrhythmia, anemia, and arteriosclerosis.

The blood vessel synthesizes molecules to keep the layers of blood vessel elastic and to maintain the normal blood flow. Two major components are nitric acid and prostacyclin. Nitric acid causes the muscle of the blood vessel to relax and dilate, allowing more blood to flow therefore reducing the blood pressure. Prostacyclin prevents formation of the platelet and dilates the blood vessel.

Factors Which Reduce Nitric Acid and Prostacyclin
High blood pressure. Diabetes. Obesity. Smoking. Etc.

Diet and Exercise
DHA and EPA reduce cholesterol and keep the health of the blood vessels. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid or omega-3 fatty acid) reduces triglyceride and cholesterol. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid or omega-3 fatty acid) inhibits the formation of the blood platelet.

Fishes such as mackerel and salmon are good sources of DHA and EPA. Water-soluble (helps decrease blood cholesterol levels) fibrous foods such are seaweeds, tofu, and soybeans are helpful in reducing LDL and plaques. Water-insoluble (makes softer stools) fibrous foods such as burdock root and mushrooms are helpful in easing the digestive absorption, preventing an acute rise of the blood sugar level.

Foods which are rich in magnesium such as bananas, tomatoes, carrots, nuts, and clams help to reduce the tension of the blood vessels and keep them elastic. Potassium (bananas and green-yellow vegetables) reduces the sodium and the oxidative stress.

Eat balanced meals, take less salt, and don't forget to drink enough water in a day. Eat slowly and chew well. Keep up with light exercises. If you are smoker, you must stop smoking (acupuncture is known to be effective if you are willing to commit). Have enough sleep and de-stress.

(About seaweeds: I cannot stress enough the importance of seaweeds in diet. The standard American diet (SAD) totally lacks the element. Our blood plasma is almost similar to the sea content. We need something from the sea everyday. Seaweeds cleanse and oxygenate the blood. They provide with iodine, balance the hormonal level.)

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