Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, Arizona: Cancer April, 2008

Japanese Acupuncture, LLC (480) 246-0624:

600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Japanese Acupuncture: Cancer April, 2008

Disclaimer: I am not a certified dietitian. Everything I write on my webpage and blogs is simply a suggestion. If you require medical help, you need to consult with a proper professional. If you are an alcoholic, a drug abuser, a heavy smoker, have diabetes, hypertension, or heart problems, or any other health issue, consult your physicians first.

Point of view expressed in the diet section is strictly based on Oriental Medicine and my Japanese cultural background. If any question, please write to me at japanacupuncture@yahoo.com.

Regular Check Up, Understand Symptoms, And Know Your Family History
If you are over 50, you are advised to receive a regular check up at least once a year. When in doubt, research symptoms of each cancer type. Eat healthy foods and loose some weight, keep up with a good BMI (Body Mass Index*) ratio. Do some light exercises. Avoid risky behaviors: smoking, long exposure to the sun or chemicals, unsafe sex, etc. Know if your family member ever had cancers. Check out the genetic cancer. *BMI = Body Mass Index Ratio of over 25 is considered to be overweight

A) First Defense
In my opinion, the first defense against cancer is to heavily detoxify the body, especially the liver, and to change the blood acidic level to alkaline. Drink large amount of water, supplemented with angstrom silver and mineral water. If you are robust in constitution, do the liver detoxification with milk thistle along with colonic. Blend green leafy vegetables, grasses, seaweeds, or anything green with fruits, through some enzymes and vitamin Bs, and drink the juice

Most of us forget to strengthen the liver after a period of detox. You must strengthens the liver by taking multiple vitamin Bs, especially the B12 (the foundation of DNA). Keep drinking the blended juice described above.

The best juice you can ever take is the brown rice juice. The juice is great especially for a weakened cancer patient or a post-surgery patient. Boil one cup of brown rice in 3/4 to a gallery pot. Bring it to boil with large amount of water, then simmer for 8 to 9 hours. Keep adding water and stir a lot since the rice becomes very glutinous. Make sure you add enough water and keep stirring. Filter the juice with cheesecloth and discard the rice (not edible anymore). The juice is tasteless and condensed. You may add brown sugar or fruit juice to sweeten a bit and add more water if you like. The juice has over 70 anti-oxidants. Drink the juice twice or three times a day at anytime.

B) Some Foods That Are Anti-Cancer
Brown Rice: Rich in vitamin Bs, minerals, and fibers. Highly anti-oxidant. The best anti-cancer food (in my opinion).
Seaweeds & Kelp: Have fucoidan which kills lymphoma cell lines by apoptosis*. Rich in minerals and β-carotene. Cleanses the blood, maintains healthy blood vessels, increases the immune function, reduces the cholesterol level, prevents osteoporosis, and helps the functions of the heart. Known to reduce weight.
Garlic: Produces allicin when chopped or grated. Allicin is responsible for the hot, burning taste of fresh garlic and is a potent anti-bacterial/anti-fungal. Reduces the risk of cancer. I do not recommend too much garlic to a person who has hypertension.
Daikon (grated): Has abundance of digestive enzymes and vitamin C. When grated, produces allyl isothiocyanate which is anti-cancerous. However, isothiocyanate should not be taken in excess.
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: Kale, spinach, chard, chives, etc. They are anti-oxidant.
*apoptosis: programmed cell death, natural organic life cycle of a cell.

C) Cooking & Recipe
Stirred Fried Burdock Roots
Ingredients: one burdock root, one carrot, one bell pepper, a dozen ginkgos, some mushrooms of your choice, two large tablespoonful of salad oil and Japanese sake each, one large tablespoonful of sugar, one and half to two large tablespoonful of soy sauce, and small amount of sesame oil.

Boil ginkgo and peel the skin off. Peel burdock's skin, cut in 2 inch length, soak in water. Cut a carrot and bell peppers into long and thin pieces. Take out burdock from water container, drain, add carrots, and stir fry with salad oil. Add Japanese sake to the stir fry, then lower the heat and place a lid. Stir occasionally, and steam the fried vegetables. If smell of burning, add water.
Add mushroom, sugar, soy sauce, then add bell pepper and ginkgos. Finish cooking with adding small out of sesame oil.

© 2008 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture

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